What's New

Check out some of the new features of Good Games TCG!


MTG Advanced Search

Check out our Magic the Gathering Advanced Search for when you need that exact card, or want to see all the printings of a specific card.

Try it today

Deck Builder!

You can now paste decklists into our website to quickly find the singles you need!

Simply ensure your list is in the format of:

  • 28 Mountain
  • 4 Lightning Bolt
  • 4 Shock
  • 4 Incinerate

and our new system will quickly find all versions of this card that are available. You'll even be able to select what set, condition and if you want it in foil.

Right now the system only works with Magic the Gathering, but it should eventually support Flesh and Blood, Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon.

Click here to begin (also available under Magic the Gathering -> Useful Links -> Deck Builder.


Sell Us Singles // BuyLists

We've made it easier than ever to sell us your cards with our new integrated buylist system.


Login to our website and click here (or "Sell Us Singles") to check the prices of any card. You can even submit a buylist for our buyers to assess and price.