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27162 products
Amoonguss (9/99) [Black & White: Next Destinies]
$0.75 AUD
Pikachu (93/92) (Delta Species) [EX: Legend Maker]
$168.80 AUD
Snorunt (64/106) [EX: Emerald]
$0.60 AUD
Manectric (40/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
$0.70 AUD
Mysterious Fossil (79/92) [EX: Legend Maker]
Leafeon (24/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
$9.20 AUD
Seel (97/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
$0.40 AUD
Espeon (18/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
$14.60 AUD
Registeel ex (99/101) [EX: Hidden Legends]
$167.50 AUD
Armor Fossil (116/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
Pokemon Collector (22/30) [HeartGold & SoulSilver: Trainer Kit - Raichu]
$5.10 AUD
Spinda (48/101) [EX: Hidden Legends]
$3.20 AUD
Servine (1/12) [McDonald's Promos: 2012 Collection]
$7.40 AUD
Pyroar(12/119) (Cosmos Holo) (Blister Exclusive) [XY: Phantom Forces]
$2.20 AUD
Hippowdon (21/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
$2.60 AUD
Makuhita (75/113) [EX: Delta Species]
Meganium (13/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
$14.00 AUD
Barboach (72/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
Nuzleaf (41/92) [EX: Legend Maker]
Quick Ball (86/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
$1.40 AUD
Mantine (29/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
Meowth (71/110) (Delta Species) [EX: Holon Phantoms]
$1.30 AUD
Igglybuff (44/123) [HeartGold & SoulSilver: Base Set]
$2.40 AUD
Chinchou (50/92) [EX: Legend Maker]
Magikarp (89/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
Hippopotas (66/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
Ivysaur (47/110) [Legendary Collection]
$8.20 AUD
Latios (10/20) [Black & White: Dragon Vault]
$10.90 AUD
Glaceon (20/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
$11.20 AUD
Poochyena (80/110) [EX: Holon Phantoms]
Dusk Ball (110/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
Pidgeotto (34/110) [Legendary Collection]
$11.40 AUD
Mewtwo (29/110) [Legendary Collection]
$48.30 AUD
Bidoof (73/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
$0.80 AUD
Seaking (60/130) [Base Set 2]
$1.20 AUD
Weepinbell (47/92) [EX: Legend Maker]
Electrike (81/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
Poke Ball (23/30) [HeartGold & SoulSilver: Trainer Kit - Gyarados]
$1.25 AUD
Wurmple (70/92) [EX: Legend Maker]
Caterpie (69/110) [Legendary Collection]
$1.80 AUD
Energy Switch (90/112) [EX: FireRed & LeafGreen]
$1.70 AUD
Absol (15/92) [EX: Legend Maker]
$4.50 AUD
Fearow (36/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
Rhydon (35/110) [Legendary Collection]
$7.70 AUD
Omanyte (74/110) (Delta Species) [EX: Holon Phantoms]
Sentret (62/92) [EX: Legend Maker]
$0.90 AUD
Cranidos (43/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
Abra (67/110) [Legendary Collection]
$1.90 AUD
Bellsprout (68/147) [Aquapolis]
Magmar (36/102) [Base Set Unlimited]
Snivy (1/12) [McDonald's Promos: 2011 Collection]
$7.30 AUD
Primeape (59/110) [Legendary Collection]
$2.10 AUD
Tentacool (66/92) [EX: Legend Maker]
Unown P (33/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
$5.70 AUD
Bronzong (16/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
Numel (68/107) [EX: Deoxys]
Electrike (64/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
Arcanine (36/110) [Legendary Collection]
$6.50 AUD
Ampharos (34/165) [Expedition: Base Set]
$13.60 AUD
Leafeon LV.X (99/100) [Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn]
$218.30 AUD
Chansey (76/123) [Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures]
Metal Energy Basic [XY: Kalos Starter Set]
Zorua (9/12) [McDonald's Promos: 2011 Collection]
$7.60 AUD
Mankey (38/112) [EX: FireRed & LeafGreen]
$1.50 AUD
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